
Cast Spotlight – Glenn Williams (Igor)

Cast Spotlight – Glenn Williams (Igor)

Rehearsals for Young Frankenstein are going well. We’ve been working hard with Walter on choreography for the different dance numbers, including “Join the Family Business”, “Please Don’t Touch Me,” and “Transylvania Mania,” among others; and we have started working on blocking for the different scenes.
Greg Oden has also been working hard with us with the music. In the coming weeks we’ll start putting all the pieces together. Work has also started on the set. We are excited about the way things are going and we look forward to seeing it all come together. We think this will be a really fun show that will have our audiences dancing in their seats and roaring with laughter.

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Have we got stories to tell you! Story telling is what theatre is all about and has been since at least 500 -550 BCE, the generally accepted time span for the appearance in Greece of what we would recognize as theatre.
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